Moving Away: The Emotional Side of Leaving

After receiving a few dozen messages from readers on her moving away blog post and discussing the topic at-length with fellow travelers – even as a speaker at a conference, Brooke finally prioritized writing a book that has been on her heart for a few years now and is so excited to share it!

In Moving Away: The Emotional Side of Leaving, she candidly pours out all of the lessons she’s learned through her various cross-country and cross-the-world moves. She shares why you aren’t alone in your struggles, you aren’t selfish for wanting to leave, and that you have so much to look forward to.

Whether moving out of state or to a completely different country, moving away from home takes bravery and even more emotional preparation than practical planning – especially if dealing with unsupportive loved ones.

When Brooke and her husband Buddy decided to move far away from their hometown, they had no idea how much this major decision would change every aspect of their lives – from relationships to personal beliefs and habits. Or that it would be the first of many other life-changing moves. (You can read more about their story, here).

If you find it challenging to manage the rollercoaster of emotions that come with moving away from family and other loved ones, Brooke offers some tips to better handle it all by openly sharing her own personal experiences and epiphanies.

In this book, Brooke shares insights into:

  • Dealing with feelings of guilt and fear over moving away.
  • The personal benefits of seeking your own path.
  • Handling naysayers and upset family or friends.
  • Maintaining relationships and pursuing new ones.
  • Learning to see missing someone as a good thing.

Moving Away is meant for anyone who is considering or planning a big move, has already left, or is trying to understand why someone they care about would want to move.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Why Move Away?
  • Addressing the Guilt
  • Dealing with Resentments
  • How Relationships Change
  • Harsh Realities of a Life Away
  • Being Scared & Doing It Anyway
  • Becoming Yourself
  • Building Stronger Bonds as a Couple
  • Being Far Far Away & Nomad-Specific Insights
  • Final Thoughts
  • Practical Checklists: Know Before You Go
  • Moving Away Resources

For those who decide to purchase this book, we'd greatly appreciate you leaving a review on Amazon once you've had a chance to read it. This is a topic that we feel more people can benefit from gaining insights on and realizing they aren't alone in their struggles. Of course, it is also a passion project for us that we would love to see succeed. Positive reviews help a book gain visibility and boost its chance of being a best seller. We really appreciate your help in promoting it!

And if you have any thoughts on ways we can improve the content, we are always open to ideas! We really want this to be a valuable resource for people making this big leap.

Thanks so much for your support! <3 Brooke & Buddy

About the Author: Brooke Baum

Brooke's desire to travel began at a young age when her Omi would tell her stories of life in Germany and about traveling across Europe. Getting to take extended trips through Europe on her own as an international house sitter was a dream come true for Brooke! Ever since she can remember, writing has been her preferred creative outlet and something that brings her immense joy. In addition to blogging and being a self-published writer, she also does various freelance editing and writing work.
She loves being outside and fell in love with hiking after moving to Colorado in 2012 with her husband Buddy – the big cross-country move that started them down the path of adventure. In February 2020, she celebrated her 30th birthday by visiting her 30th country – New Zealand. As luck would have it, that's where the Baums ended up being ‘stuck' for the pandemic and plan to stay long-term.